School Bus

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tool #10

My students are no strangers to technology - it is readily available in most of their homes. Their games are no longer played between people in their own house; they are able to use their Wii, their XBox, their iPhone/Touch/Pad, and even their DS to connect and play games with people around the world. They are also learning about email and about communicating with people online. I think it is scary to think that some teachers, parents, etc. don't make it a priority to teach students about online safety.

My kids had the opportunity to visit the library last week and learn from our good friends Moby and Annie (care of Brain Pop Jr.) all about being responsible online. The kids really enjoy watching these videos and they truly get a lot out of them. I think the most important things they need to remember are:

1. Do NOT share your personal information with anyone online (name, address, phone number, school name, passwords, etc.)
2. Do NOT accept messages, emails, or chats from people you do not know - and tell an ADULT when  you do receive a message or email from someone you don't know.
3. Do NOT download information if you do not have permission from a teacher or parent.

When we do get the technology in our classrooms, I plan to review the video by watching it a second time. I know that some of my students will need a refresher! I plan to create a chart titled "Be a Responsible Digital Citizen." where we can list permanent rules that must be followed in our classroom when using the computers or iTouches.

Keeping parents informed and aware of procedures is always important - sharing our rules and procedures for digital citizenship is no different. I think it will be important to send a note home to parents telling them about the technology we have received and explaining our class view of digital citizen ship. I think it would also be a good idea to remind parents that they should talk to their students about using similar rules at home so that they are always safe!


  1. Revisiting lessons like being a responsible citizen can probably never be revisited too much! Brain Pop is a great resource for nearly everything! Great idea about the note home to parents. Y'all might want to do as a whole campus!

  2. GREAT ideas, Nicole! You are SO CLOSE! Please join me on Monday for the test and write your final reflection and you'll be DONE!!!
